Who we are

It started with two goats

Norbert and Brian delivering goats

Norbert and Brian delivering goats

Safari Of Hope started in 2021 in Kisumu, Kenya with a pair of goats donated by Brenda Burgett and Gerald Jones. Locals Brian and Norbert sought out families willing to partner with us, and over time, Daisy the cow came along, then chickens and pigs. Dairy goats provided much-needed milk, which allowed families to skip the long walk to market. Our project benefited those villagers who couldn’t afford to buy milk from other farmers. The dairy goats provide around 4 liters of milk per day, enough to feed eight families per week. The charity doesn’t just give animals–they teach sustainable livestock and farming methods, and leadership skills. Neighbors are helping neighbors–sharing goats and milk. The impact has been great: people learn from one another, share and experience togetherness, love and hope. All of these lessons have helped restore dignity to Kenyans after years of hunger, natural disasters and crushing poverty. 

As of July, 2023 the chickens are producing more than 8000 eggs per month, feeding 25-30 families and saving them the long walk to marketplace. The location of the chicken coop saves the families the 40-minute walk to the marketplace. Kenyans now have hope for change.

A Dream Realized



Brenda with Kenyan School Children

Brenda with Kenyan School Children

When Brenda Burgett left on a church trip to Kenya in 2015, she never dreamed that she would receive God’s calling to help the people there. She had sponsored a four-year-old boy, Fidel, for three years and wanted to meet him in person. That first year, her life was changed forever, and she wanted to do more. Brenda saw how students at Ringroad Orphans Day School really listened to their nineteen-year-old Math and Science teacher, Brian Obongo. She knew she wanted to change these children’s lives–and education was the key. She began sponsoring the inspiring young man and helped him go to college. 

With her help, Brian graduated in December 2022 with a B. S. in Education at Kenyatta University in Nairobi. An involved member of Ringroad Church of Christ, Brian confidently tells others that he is a Christian, teacher and farmer. Brian jokes that he is also a fisher of men. 

Gerald in Texas

Gerald in Texas

Brian began to really show his strengths and was eager to find ways to benefit others in his community. Soon, he and Brenda came up with a plan to help develop effective solutions to hunger, drought and hardship. Brian enlisted the help of trusted friend and youth minister Norbert Olwande as his business partner.

After returning to Texas from a 2018 mission trip, Brenda was excited to tell Gerald Jones that his donation helped to purchase two goats for Brian's farm: Geraldine and Ray. Gerald, always interested in how the farm was growing, was thrilled to hear all about the trip. That was the moment he realized he wanted to participate, and asked, "How can we do more?” The seed was planted and Safari Of Hope was soon to become a reality. By becoming an involved U.S. stakeholder, Gerald helped get our charity off the ground. 

The friends pondered how a small nonprofit could improve educational and financial outcomes for those living in acute poverty. Kenya partners Brian and Norbert began looking in the community for families who were willing to partner with Safari Of Hope’s goat project. Once again, God had a plan. The people-to-people team was able to partner with locals with low resources and inspire others to nurture their gifts. In 2020, Safari Of Hope was born.

In 2021, Safari Of Hope became a 501c3 non-profit, able to invite donors to join their vision of hope.

Safari with us. Join our journey. Help fund this great charity.