Our faith compels our work


Giving back to give real hope

SOH supplied a 500-gal. water tank to this family

SOH supplied a 500-gal. water tank to this family

We teach our Kisumu and Siaya, Kenya communities to utilize their strengths and to give back to another needy person in the community–one family at a time. By working together with us, their lives are transformed. For example, we supply water tanks that provide clean water–crucial to people and animals who formerly had to use contaminated water sources. The tank also saves area villagers from the considerable 40-minute walk to get water from the river to their homes. Everyone in the area benefits from our water tanks.

By partnering with the community, Safari Of Hope gives hope to those who are otherwise unable to overcome barriers. Tunaleta matumaini – We bring hope.

Norbert delivering much needed eggs

Norbert delivering much needed eggs

Working together with us, locals are able to give back to another needy person in the community. Each person or family who receives a farm animal must agree to share the offspring. As soon as they raise five animals, they must give away any extra livestock to Safari Of Hope to give to another family. The Recipient List is long, but the aim is that anyone who wants an animal can get one. Our goal is to partner with as many families as possible and teach self-sustaining growth and the opportunity to become independent. The impact is great: people are learning from one another, sharing and experiencing togetherness, love and hope.

Around 9000 eggs are laid each month and are donated to several elderly people. To date, more than 50 goats have been delivered to families in the Kisumu and Siaya communities. And the numbers keep increasing. 

The majority of parents of these school students have died from HIV and AIDS. We want to thank the people for making a difference in the lives of those kids. They are the future of our nation and we feel happy when we see there’s a life for orphans.
— Jared Odhiambo, director of Ringroad Ministries
Milking the dairy goats

Milking the dairy goats

Safari Of Hope provides vital support to Kenyan communities struggling to recover from extreme poverty, disease and natural disasters. Through our self-sustaining, faith-based services, we provide opportunities for those who would otherwise face insurmountable barriers.

Education is a key emphasis of our work. Many of the older generation Kenyans who were not able to go to school do not understand the importance of education, but through Safari Of Hope projects, more children will get to go to school and learn how to work together to change their future.

Kenya is a beautiful country filled with wonderful, loving and hard-working people who just need a helping hand. They do not fear hard work and Safari Of Hope is helping to provide much-needed guidance, support and resources to help them achieve an independence and a way to support themselves and their community.
— Elaine Nesbitt, Short-term missions, Central Church of Christ

Safari Of Hope Mission

Safari Of Hope is transforming lives

Safari Of Hope is transforming lives

Safari Of Hope is a beacon of hope, empowerment and education to the people of Kenya. Its mission is to transform, educate and bring sustainable practices to communities. We serve Kenyan families through Bible-based education and resources that restore dignity and break the cycle of poverty. We partner with Kenyans to help them improve their own lives.

The old saying “teach a man to fish and you can feed him for a lifetime” rings true about our purpose and mission. Safari of Hope is wise and caring, much like a loving aunt or uncle. Its purpose is to help, but also train and instill foundational truths that can be used long after Safari Of Hope has achieved its mission. 

Empowering Kenyans to transform their lives

Norbert Olwande and Brian Obongo

Norbert Olwande and Brian Obongo

Safari Of Hope partners Brian Okoth Obongo and Norbert Odero Olwande provide Kisumu and Siaya families the support to take ownership of improving their lives. They join with locals by giving them projects that will help them grow spiritually, emotionally and physically and to develop leadership skills. 

These volunteers are putting smiles on the faces of those they serve in disadvantaged communities. With a desire to give expertise, Brian and Norbert are sharing opportunities with those who would otherwise face overwhelming barriers. They serve Kenyan families through Bible-based training, skill building ­and education. Theirs is a journey of love, restoring dignity and breaking the cycle of poverty. 

Locally, Safari Of Hope’s vision is making an impact for generations to come. 

Safari Of Hope is a journey of sharing. It is a journey of love. A goat received, nurtured and shared is a symbol of Christ’s love for the world. Love that has a ripple effect, a multiplying effect.
— Dr. Samuel Sudhe, Mission Director of Bondo Diosese

The chickens are laying eggs. The dairy goats are giving milk. Hopes and dreams are being realized with Safari Of Hope support. 


With your help, we can create positive change in local communities.