stories of hope

The house we built for Florence Wandungu


From natural disasters to HIV and AIDS, many children of Kenya struggle to survive without parents. 12-15% of Kenyan households are headed by an orphan sibling. Like Collins and his sister Velma–left orphans in 2015 when their mom passed on. Collins was in his first year of high school, Velma in fifth grade. These young kids had to remain in the home alone and look after themselves.  

Collins was hit hard by his mom’s death. The $250 yearly school tuition was impossible for him to pay, so he was sent home. Hearing of his plight much later, Safari Of Hope partners Brian and Norbert went to the school and negotiated a payment plan. The principal graciously let Collins return after a month-long gap.  

But how would Collins get the money he needed? By receiving goats from Safari Of Hope! 

The donated goats helped Collins pay off the arrears and sit for his exams. In 2020, Safari Of Hope approved the sale of another goat which helped buy groceries for Collins and Velma. In all, Collins was given seven goats to help pay his school tuition. 

Now, as an entrepreneur, he looks after his own pigs, five goats, Daisy the cow and other Safari Of Hope livestock. Teaming up with Safari Of Hope is helping him realize his dream of becoming a policeman.

Collins with one of his goats

Collins with one of his goats



Caren and her children

Caren and her children


What do you do when your home is in poor shape, you have four children, and your husband is killed by a crocodile? This is Caren’s story. At age 34, her husband died while fishing. With no source of income, she had to take piecemeal jobs. Caren toiled as a farm labourer, selling firewood and washing others’ clothes. None of the jobs were reliable, so the family often went hungry. Safari Of Hope put them on the Recipient list to improve their lifestyle.

After preparing Caren’s property for livestock, we will provide her family with a pair of goats, which will give her additional income. And give them back their lives again.


Beatrice is a 36-year-old mother to nine children. In 2020 she became a widow. Not only did the family lose their father and leader–they lost the breadwinner. Jacob sold watches on the streets of Kisumu, and Beatrice focused on domestic duties. Beatrice’s situation immediately become dire. She had to fend for her family without a proper source of income. Her two boys had to drop out of school to seek jobs, trying to keep the family afloat. On top of that, her older daughter got pregnant. Responsibilities that were overwhelming increased when a fourth young daughter also became pregnant. 

Eventually, economic hardships forced Beatrice to remarry for support. This large family with little financial capability to sustain it was losing hope. Thankfully, Safari Of Hope was there. Brian and Norbert saw the importance of an alternative source of income for Beatrice’s family and got involved.

They are now at the top of our Recipient List. Two goats will dramatically improve their situation, and in two years, the family will have six or seven more. Beatrice will then be able to do her part and return some of the offspring back to Safari Of Hope. And give back to another needy family.

Brian with Beatrice and some of her nine children

Brian with Beatrice and some of her nine children

Many Kenyans like Beatrice are turning to Safari Of Hope for help. You can make a difference for another family like hers. With your gifts, we can step up for the people who turn to us.

Leonard and Carol

Leonard and Carol

A financial gift from Safari Of Hope has led to practical assistance and much good in Kisumu. You can make a difference for another family like Leonard and Carol’s.

Leonard and Carol’s story

Since the start of the Long Rains season in early April 2021, the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent (IFRC)* reported flooding in Tana River, Busia, Kisumu, Garissa and Marsabit Counties of Kenya. IFRC reported 2 fatalities and 25,958 people (4,493 households) displaced. 

Imagine watching your dwelling being swept away by flooding. All your valuables floating off and nowhere to call home. This happened to Carol, her husband Leonard and their three young children. They were in a bad way when Safari Of Hope stepped in–displaced with no shelter, food or other basic necessities. We donated food and helped them start to build back their lives again with a new home. Within a month, Carol and Leonard had a larger, well-built, more stable home that would withstand the rains. 

The family now has hope and a dry place to live. Safari Of Hope is keen to put smiles on the faces of families like theirs.*     

*May 21, 2021, Floodlist